Welcome to 0xBeta

Hi there 👋 I’m Alex.

I am currently working as a full-stack web developer and also a cloud architect in freelancing. I use this blog to keep track of my personal interests and projects.

Topics here

The topics that may be found here are Software, Electronics, Amateur Radio, RC Models, Vintage Cameras, and Everything is Fun.

Some of them are my study notes, some are the records of setting things up, some can be very related to my hardware and software environments, and given my understanding of things can go far away from you, so don’t assume that I know what I am talking about!

How this blog works

This blog is powered by Jekyll, themed by jekyll-theme-yat, hosted at Github Pages for free. The posts were written in Markdown format and stored as plain text files, this is indeed what I do to keep my notes after I closed my last blog as when that is powered by Movable Type and hosted on a paid virtual host.

I prefer this way rather than the classic blog way because I like the content I write to be stored in markdown rather than in a database, and it’s easy to turn the markdown to a website with some helpful tools like Github Pages and Jekyll.

Please refer to this post if you are interested in how to build one like this.

More about me

My first language is Chinese. I write this blog in both Chinese and English (to improve my language skill), sometimes they are mixed, so please forgive me if that makes you uncomfortable for whatever it brings.

I am a lover of Python, Django, Shell, and AWS. You can find me at Github and Stackoverflow.
